
Field study #6

date- november 27, 2022  time-  12:15 pm climate- damp outside overall lately cloudy and a little rain throughout the week  temperature- 43° length of day- 9 hours, 25 minutes  organisms smelled, felt, heard- this time it was more cold and I couldn't smell anything, or feel anything besides the cold breeze, and wet grass. I did see some deer there jumping away when i left, but thats about it. changes- the only changes I noticed was how it was way more muddy and wet than last time, and a lot more marks in the mud from deer and other animals. 

Field study #5

 date- november 9, 2022 time- 3:14 pm  temperature- 58° climate- cloudy and gloomy getting colder  length of day- 9 hours 58 minutes  organisms smelled, felt heard- this time did see and hear deer in the little woods and and kinda scared me, and saw some movement in the water from either a fish or bug, i did feel just in general colder temperature and when i walked around everything a little cruncher due to the weather getting colder.  notices from last time- this time I noticed practically all the leaves were gone and there were deer tracks on the edge of the water. The dead great blue heron bones are still there untouched and look the exact same. 

Field study #4

  date- October 26, 2022   time- 6:35 pm  temperature- 45° length of day- 10 hours 35 minutes  climate- pretty cold and breezy and overall low clouds and pretty gloomy  organisms smelled and heard-  changes since last visit- some things i noticed since last visit is all the vegetation and bushes and trees are dying off and turning brown. and you can kind of feel it when you walk around with the grass crunching or falling apart easier.  change-       one thing I noticed since last time is I finally took a picture of the great blue heron or the remains of it from what my cousin messed with it. I noticed there were some small remains of the bird left, like some feathers and some bones from the bird and could kind of see the bone structure of the bird.  The picture below is the drawing of the corner of the pond and what I noticed on my visit. 

Field study #3

  October 12, 2022 time- 3:11 pm  temperature- 54° climate- raining and cold and windy and very gross and grey out. length of day- 11 hours and 12 minutes  organisms smelled heard- in the field study i didn't smell anything except the smell of wet grass and the smell of the pond and kinda the aroma the rain brings up when it rains changes from last time- Since last time not much has changed but the leaves are starting to die off from what we can see in the photos each time, and I did find out the great blue heron was all moved because my cousin took the skull of it for some reason. Me and my sister did conclude that it most likely died from a Kyote and something ate it after that too. Another few changes I saw was that I can see more of the dirt and such across the little river due to the fact everything is dying. This time I went though the water was up a bit due to the rain. sound map- my sound map is showing the different sounds I could here when I was out there like t...

field study #2

 date- September 25 time-7:16  temperature- 59° noises- birds and insects but insects have definitely quieted down since last time  climate- started to rain a little bit and cold with a slight breeze length of day- 12:01 organisms felt/heard- just some birds and the wet grass and the grass is more dead than last time and everything was more dry before it started to rain.  EXTRA- the great blue heron that was dead in the corner moved a little bit more outwards from under the tree and most likely from something eating it, and there was a bit more water in the pond due to all the rain last week.  Question- I wonder how the great blue heron died and died where it did? Because where it was laying in was in a very hidden and hard area to get to under all the tree and bushes.